Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In the beggining

I am setting up a goal to save a certain figured amount in 6 months. I choose 6 months, because I feel that if there was a time frame of when I would like to achieve something by, then perhaps I will be more likely to strive towards my goals. Once that 6 month perios is over, I will reevalaute, and set up a set of goals for 6 months from that time. Yes, I am setting up myself for a never ending cycle. Isn't that exciting? Is it doable? Probably. Will it be hard? Undoubtedly. What kind of obstacles will I face? I am sure numerous, first and foremost being my will power to buy that shiny new item that I must have. What else can I achieve in these 6 months? How else can I be productive and creative for a better future? Please stay with me while I start this journey of saving for a decent EF, saving for a house, eating healthy, exercising, and motivating myself to be productive.

So, let's get right down to business shall we?
In 6 months time from now, I would like to have a certain amount saved up. I am somewhere along the mid mark now. So by December 17th, 2009, I would like to have my goal amount in my savings account. (Apart from 401K, which is another story for another time, which will entail remembering my 401K password first.) Let's test myself and see if I am able to do this. Are you ready?

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