Friday, July 10, 2009

To do list

I have such exciting social life that I am sitting home making my to-do list on a Friday night! After I got off work, I went for an hour long walk with my dog. Came home, ate dinner, talked to a friend from sometime which kind of made me depressed for no specific reason. And now I am making my list. This weekend is going to be pretty dull as I am not doing anything specific. It's okay by me. Last weekend I traveled out of town to go see BF, so a quiet weekend is fine by me. I have some stuff to catch up on, most of which I hope to get to.
  • Burn copies of pilates dvd
  • Transfer windows itunes music to mac
  • Get comfortable with mac
  • Look into taking out keyboard on my old laptop, clean (it gets stuck due to spilling coke ) and put it back
  • Look into installing Ubuntu on my old laptop (perhaps I will partition it)
  • Spend sometime updating resume
  • Spend sometime on looking for "fields of interest" career wise
  • Spend sometime reviewing materials just in case
  • Laundry
  • Clean apartment
  • Menu plan
  • Dog park
  • Run
  • Wash Dog
  • Give myself a manicure
  • Give myself a pedicure
  • Pick out clothes to wear for the week
I know a big list. But I hope to get cracking on at least a few important ones.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sticking to blogging

The objective of this blog was to see how much money I can save in 6 months at a time.  However, I already seem to have fallen behind.  I guess I should start by saying that I have around 2K to pay off on my credit card this month. No, this is not a balance that I have been carrying.  If I pay it off this month, I will not have to pay any interest on it.  I just have been buying a lot of plane tickets for traveling and a few treats for myself here and there (Okay, I might have gone a little out of control) because I graduated uni and now I have a master's degree as of this summer. I had been working so hard on my degree for almost 3 years now.  When I was done, I felt that I had to treat myself to a couple of nice things.  Read: a lot of nice things.  That person has left now and my real self is back with her sanity. The damage is done and I have to pay the price by dipping into my savings for a few extra hundreds.

However, I have a plan. I was reading Shtinkykat's plan to replenish the money she spent on her birthday trip and I thought, why I could come up with something as well! I have a lot of books and cds lying around that I do not use anymore.  I am going to try and sell them. Of course, I know I won't make all of the 2K back, but I will perhaps get something, however puny the amount is? I have also been diligently packing my own lunch to bring to work. Eating lunch out can easily cost me anywhere from $8 to $12.  If I also buy coffee and breakfast, this amount goes north of $15.  So, I have been drinking my own coffee at home, eating oatmeal for breakfast and bringing my own lunch.  

Estimating that I would spend around $10 a day on eating out lunch/breakfast everyday, I would only have to pack breakfast  and lunch on weekdays and eat in on the weekends for a total of 200 days!   A real long time!  One thing that has also helped me in not eating out a lot is that I have been running a lot. I do not necessarily want to undo all that exercise by eating out everyday! However uninteresting my lunch could be at times, I have to say I tend to eat very healthy left to my own devices. For example, this evening I had a simple dinner of sauteed tofu and veggies.

Perhaps now is also the time to start thinking about supplementing my income if at all possible? Hmm I need to look into it.